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Friday, February 17, 2012

Here I´m again

It´s a long time since I havn´t wrote anything in my blog. Was it just laziness,  shortage of time, .... ? Anyway, here I´m again. I the meantime we had Christemas and New Yaer´s Eve, meetings with dear friends, presents and good wishes..... I presented my freinds with  self made gifts.

We relaxed in January. I read a lot and  Nina spent the first two weeks with  her  foster parents.  After she had returned to Zagreb, we saw together some ballets on my DVD recorder. She likes ballet very much but Nutcracker is her favorite.

And then the cold and the snow in February. For joung people it was a shock - they coudn´t remember the low temparatures and the bounty of snow we had in my youth. I was delighted by the winter of my joung years and out of joy I built  a masked snowman in  our  garden.

And the next day I made a new one - this time with flowers on it´s hat as anticipation of the soon coming spring!

Nina visited me yesterday and  added her little chap to my snowmen. I her sign language she said. "Mam, dad and baby".  In this way she expresed what she realy misses - her own  family. It made me sad.

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